Wednesday 7 December 2016

Gantt Chart Progress
This is the team's progress illustrated in a Gantt Chart upto this point in the unit. Once we have had a response to the email from the university (see previous post); we will begin to conduct our primary research which will be then added to this chart. 
Discussed with unit leader Bex Lewis; proposed plan of action - agreed to email Dawn Mellody suggesting to creatively market changes to the app based on what may be successful - agreed to CC unit leaders into the email.
Despite the uncertainty around the continuation of the brief; it is worth considering what data collection methods we can use regardless; should we continue the preparation for this research will already be complete.


In regards to primary research; quantitative questionnaires and observations of current usage of the StudyBundles app to establish what penetration it currently has in it's target market would be beneficial to our brief;

*This will establish trends in the existing consumer base which can inform our decision on creative marketing to engage Manchester based students of a similar demographic
*Allows us to possess presentable evidence to inform our choices when enacting the brief
*This would be most effective for primary research


Secondary research methods such as individual interviews and case studies conducted with the established users of the Studybundles app and indeed the prospective customers through qualitative methods;

*Allows us to gauge the response to the app from current users; what similarities/differences doe these views have to those of prospective customers
*Best used as a secondary research method

MMU ethics checklist has been signed off; meaning we can begin primary research as soon as we have an update from the unit leader on the status of the brief itself. 
Although the response was delayed; this revelation about the university's intentions is a serious setback to the brief with the client; which has in turn delayed the data collection phase of the unit. We have emailed Daniel Hinckley to no response. We are currently awaiting an update from unit leader Bex Lewis on the best course of action from this point.

Attendance has unfortunately dropped off over the past fortnight; I feel personally that the workload for other subjects has taken precedence. This issue; and how to improve upon it will be address within the formative PDR assessment. Forward planning, delegation of group tasks and improving self motivation could all be viable solutions.